Surname List

 Ayers, Bagley, Bartlett, Bedsaul, Bell, Bessette, Bikinas, Bumpus, Burns, Cacano, Carlson, Castle, Chenart, Cobleigh, Coburn, Davidson, Deering, Dudley, Durso, Egan, Farrey, Foley, Forsyth, Fortier, Gallant, Gates Jr., Gates, Gilbert, Hack, Hall, Harrington, Hayes, Hiebert, Hislop, Hoar, Holland, Holmes, Howarth, Hultstrom, Hutchinson, Keith, Jr., Kelton, King, Kryszewski, Lange, LaRiviere, Larson, LeBear, Livermore, Martin, McCallister, Moore, Nagy, Neudeck, Oconnor-Morrill, Phillips, Pickett, Prescott, Quimby, Rasmussen, Record, Rhodes, Ricker, Sams, Shamlian, Shannon, Sims, Sisson, Small, Sprindzunas, Stanislaw, Sweeney, Swirbalus, Thayer, Vatousiou, Vinton, Wetherbee, Williams, Wilson, Withington, Wixted, Yost

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